I Have Osteoporosis, What Are My Treatment Options?

Osteoporosis Bones Poster

Osteoporosis is an extremely common bone condition which affects millions of people each year. While it is commonly associated with old age, it is possible for younger people to deal with this issue, as well. Unfortunately, it is possible that you won’t know anything is wrong until you experience a painful fracture, after which you may be diagnosed with this condition. Once you are aware of the problem, there are multiple treatment options that we will discuss later in the article.

What is Osteoporosis?

Before we get into treatment, let’s back up for a moment to confirm you have a proper understanding of what osteoporosis is and why it’s a problem. When bones become more fragile and porous, that condition is called osteoporosis, and it puts the affected individual at greater risk for a fracture. All humans can fracture bones when the bone endures a significant stress or trauma, such as when someone falls to the ground and breaks their arm while trying to stop the fall. However, individuals with osteoporosis are much more likely to experience a fracture, and it might take very little pressure or force to cause that fracture. Injuries to the wrist, spine, and hip are common with this condition.

Receiving an Osteoporosis Diagnosis

As mentioned above, a fracture is often the first sign of osteoporosis. However, even after suffering a fracture, you can’t simply assume that you have osteoporosis, as people without this condition break bones, as well. So, a medical examination will need to be performed in order to finalize the diagnosis, and that examination usually involves a bone density test.

Fortunately, having your bone density tested is a relatively simple procedure. X-rays will likely be used to measure how much mineral is present in your bones at the time of the scan. Based on the results of this scan, your doctor will not only be able to assess whether or not you have osteoporosis, but he or she will also be able to analyze the severity of the condition and offer an outlook for the future.

Various Treatment Options

The specific treatment or treatments that are selected for your situation will depend on the details of your case. There are plenty of options available, but not all of them will be right for your needs. Working closely with your doctor is the best way to arrive at a treatment decision that you can use with confidence.

Some of the treatment options often used to deal with osteoporosis include the following –

  • Lifestyle changes. In modest cases of osteoporosis, or in cases where the patient has not yet been diagnosed but is at risk for a future diagnosis, lifestyle changes may be recommended to improve future bone health. Even small changes can make a big difference when trying to avoid fractures. For one thing, staying away from smoking is a smart move. Smoking has a negative impact on bone density, in addition to the countless other negative health outcomes associated with a smoking habit. Also, consistent, moderate exercise can be helpful to slow bone loss, as can eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight. Basically, most things that are considered to be good for your overall health will also be a positive for your bone health.
  • There are a number of medications on the market today that can help manage your osteoporosis. These include bisphosphonates and monoclonal antibody medications. Your doctor will have to consider a variety of elements related to your overall health – including other medications you take – before prescribing one of the many options in this area.

Contact Beverly Hills Cardiovascular Today

To work with a leading cardiovascular office in Southern California, contact Beverly Hills Cardiovascular right away to schedule an appointment. Dr. David Filsoof and his staff will be happy to provide the care you need based on your current health conditions. Included in the services we provide are electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and overall physical examinations. Thank you for visiting and we hope to serve you soon!


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