Should I Consider EECP If My Medications Don’t Work?

If you continue to struggle with persistent angina episodes despite the use of medications, you may be looking for another option to improve your day to day heart health. For some patients, enhanced external counterpulsation will be a viable option. This treatment won’t be the right option for all individuals, so speak directly with your healthcare provider about whether or not EECP is right for you.

In the content below, we are going to quickly discuss the basics of EECP, why it is used, and what it may have to offer. Of course, if you are currently having chest pains or other signs associated with heart attack, seek medical attention right away.

What is EECP?

If you are not familiar with this treatment, let’s quickly discuss the basics of how it is performed. A machine will compress the blood vessels in the lower extremities in an effort to improve blood flow to the heart. It is the accurate timing of this process that allows it to be effective. The machine will match the rhythm of your heart, returning blood to the heart after it has finished pumping it out, mimicking the natural movement of blood in your body.

To make this work properly, the device is comprised of large cuffs that are wrapped about parts of the patient’s legs. Air is then used to tighten the cups at the proper time to help blood move back to the heart. When the air pressure is released, the cuffs relax, and blood can flow back down to the extremities. While the patient will feel the pressure associated with those cuffs tightening around their legs, there shouldn’t be any notable pain associated with this treatment.

Potential Benefits

There are a few potential benefits associated with undergoing this treatment. One goal is a reduction in angina symptoms after treatment has been completed. It’s also possible that patients who complete a treatment program will need less medication moving forward, and they also may be able to return to activities they once enjoyed that have become too difficult in recent years.

The Treatment Process

One of the important points to consider when thinking about EECP treatment is that there is a significant time commitment required. While the details will vary from patient to patient, you can expect to spend at least an hour a day getting treatment, and that treatment will be every day for several weeks. As mentioned above, this should not be a painful experience in any way, so don’t let the duration of the process scare you away. However, it is a time commitment that may be difficult for some patients to accommodate, so keep that point in mind as you weigh your options.

An In-Between Step

EECP treatment is often chosen as an in-between option for those who need relief from stable angina but are not seen as a suitable candidate for an invasive procedure such as angioplasty or bypass. If you have been trying to use medication to manage your angina and the results have not been satisfactory, EECP could be a good step to improve symptoms and avoid invasive treatments for the time being.

As you move through the process of addressing your heart health issues, be sure to be honest and open with your doctor at every step. Providing an honest assessment of how you are feeling can go a long way toward settling on the right treatment plan. Whether it is EECP or another option, work closely with your healthcare professional to find the right way to move forward.

Beverly Hills Cardiovascular is Here to Serve You

Dr. David Filsoof and his staff are proud to serve patients from around Southern California. If you need cardiovascular services, please feel free to contact us right away to make your first appointment. We offer a long list of services, including cardioversion, nuclear stress test, nutrition assessment and weight management, and much more. Get in touch today to learn more!

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